Pan Ocean will solidify its position as a global leading shipping and logistics company
by enhancing corporate and shareholder value based on transparent management.


Environmental Management Practice

Environmental Management Policy

We established the Environmental Management Policy in 2012, under which we have endeavored to reinforce our environmental management system. With the aim to build sustainable environments for the generations to come and transform ourselves to a green company, we are guided by this policy to establish and implement detailed annual environmental goals and plans.

Pan Ocean Environmental Management Policy

  • 01

    We establish measures for all risks identified for environmental protection.

  • 02

    We comply with relevant international agreements, guidelines, and flag and port state rules including all requirements of the environmental management system.

  • 03

    We have all onshore employees and seafarers trained to acquire qualifications and professional knowledge to perform their duties. We hire physically healthy staffs with qualifications and skills required under local and international regulations.

  • 04

    We operate contingency systems both onshore and offshore to effectively respond to emergency accidents and pollutions from vessels and offer training and education to cultivate emergency response capabilities.

  • 05

    We define clear responsibilities and authorities for streamlined communications between onshore operations and vessels. We establish a streamlined communication system to maintain the emergency contact system.

  • 06

    We continue improving the environmental management system established for environmental protection.

Environmental Management System

We pursue safe vessel operations and environmentally friendly transportation services. For more organized environmental management, we obtained the ISO 14001 certification in 2010 and has maintained it ever since. POS SM also retains the certification.

We manage overall environmental impact through the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) cycle. In order to enhance our environmental management, we conduct improvement activities ranging from planning and implementing environmental goals to environmental education, monitoring, taking corrective measures for noncompliance, and managerial review. The Maritime Environment Team is exclusively responsible for environmental management and dedicated to maintaining the environmental management system.

ISO 14001

Environmental Impact Assessment

We conduct annual environmental impact assessments to predict and analyze the impact of Pan Ocean’s business activities on environment and prevent environmental pollution in advance. The severity of environmental impact is calculated by combining the likelihood of each environmental risk and potential consequences. Aspects identified to have significant environmental impact based on the level of severity are taken into consideration in establishing the following year’s environmental goals.

2021 Environmental impact assessment highlight
Category Impact Response strategy
GHG Emission regulation Installation of engine power limiting device Install best possible EPL devices in consultation with the Korean Register and makers
Limitations on low-grade vessel operations Use vessel performance monitoring systems to achieve the best possible vessel energy efficiency
Climate change Increased frequency of tropical cyclones Use real-time navigation monitoring systems to identify weather risks and set routes
Biodiversity Cross-border ballast water exchange Install ballast water treatment systems in all vessels
Resource cycling Waste generated from vessel operations Landing for recycling waste, conduct thorough maintenance of relevant equipment